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On võimalik suhkurtõve kvas Kombuchast

Kvas - is very famous russian beverage. We use it for drink (in the hot weather is very good) for could soup (like okroshka, beetroot cold soup). Is’ very healthy and testy (for me), and I hope you’ll like it too :) But it’s a bit alcoholic (it’s near 0,014% ) and fizzy.

Proloog ja diabeet

HOW TO MAKE RUSSIAN BREAD KVASS. Now that you learned how to make Russian bread kvass, and have remaining bread, which is now a starter culture, you can continue to make it on regular basis. Just take a gallon of filtered water, a cup of your wet starter bread, 3/4 cup sugar, and 2 cups of water and repeat the process.

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Kvas can be inexpensively prepared at home with minimum effort. It costs me less than 10$ for all the stuff needed to make 6 gallons (in 24 hours)! Kvass or Kvas is a traditional Russian drink made from fermented.
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Kvas is a non-alcoholic cereal beverage which is produced from Sourdough Rye Bread, Malt and Sugar. Kvas has a golden-brown color, the pleasant flavor of Rye Bread, low sweetness and sufficient carbonate to give Kvas a sparkle on the palate.
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Kvass is one of the national drinks of Russia. It is usually made of wheat, rye, rye bread, or barley and buckwheat meal. Kvass is of very low alcoholic content (0.7 to 2.2%). Because fermentation is required, it will take you 2-3 days to make kvass. Kvass is sometimes called in English a bread drink. Below is a simple kvass recipe. Ingredients.

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