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Mummiad elavad diabeedi manustamismeetod

Introduction. The problem of rebuilding a face from human remains has been, until now, especially relevant in the ambit of forensic sciences, where it is obviously oriented toward the identification of otherwise unrecognizable corpses; but its potential interest to archaeologists and anthropologists is not negligible.

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At Summum we design metal sarcophagi which can be considered art form caskets for use by our thanatogeneticists in mummification. Commissioned artists create clay sculptures from which molds are made and metals.

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As I approached it I saw that it was the dead and mummified remains of a little old woman with long black hair, and the thing it leaned over was a small charcoal burner upon which rested a round copper vessel containing a small quantity of greenish powder.
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Notes. These notes are written by Karri Anttila from his perspective, so I and my refer to Karri. These notes are mainly my thoughts and most likely have a strong influence from the Häme dialect, and therefore cannot be read as a grammar/facts.
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Welcome to Mumii.co.uk - The Entertainment Space For Parents - Stay up to date with the latest news reviews, product tests, offers competitions. Mumii.co.uk is for families with children.
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17 mummies found in ancient Egyptian burial site Antiquities ministry hails ‘unprecedented’ discovery in south Cairo necropolis as a boost to struggling tourism industry.
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The practice of mummifying the dead began in ancient Egypt c. 3500 BCE. The English word mummy comes from the Latin mumia which is derived from the Persian mum meaning wax and refers to an embalmed corpse which was wax-like. The idea of mummifying the dead may have been suggested.

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